How to: Downloading Galleries

Congrats! You've been sent your final gallery from Emily Thomas Photography. Now what?

Let's get it downloaded to your computer.

**Side note: this is how it looks on my PC using Chrome as the browser. It might vary a little bit with different browsers or on a Mac computer.**

First, you're going to open the gallery from your email and click the download button below the header on the right hand side (circled in blue below).

When you click it, this screen will come up. Enter your email address and the download PIN that was given to you in the email you received.

Next, you'll see this. Click "High Resolution", choose where you want the images to download to (usually "My Computer"), and then hit "Start Download."

Then you'll see this.

And then this.

Click the link here on this screen or in the email it sends you to begin the download. When it finishes downloading, open the folder and "unzip" the files to the location of your choice on your computer. Repeat this process to download the web size versions of your photos too.

I recommend creating 2 different folders: 1 for the high resolution and 1 for the web size. This will help you make sure that when printing, you're using the correct version...which is the HIGH RESOLUTION!